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Apply for Funding to Operate a Child Care Centre

Applications are submitted to the Children’s Services Program Manager and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Approval is subject to the submission of a complete application, eligibility, availability of funding and alignment with the Early Years and Child Care Service Plan 2019-2024.

The following documentation is required:

  1. Copy of Insurance. Minimum of $5 million in liability insurance is required.
  2. Proof of License to Operate. Indicating how many children the program is licensed for, how many playrooms are operating and the ages of the children they will care for. Authorized Recreation programs must submit proof of authorization.
  3. Current Fire Inspection. Must be completed prior to licensing approval.
  4. Current Health Inspection. Must be completed prior to licensing approval and annually thereafter.
  5. Completed Budget Package. Including financial projections, salary information.
  6. Parent Handbook. Outlining the parent policies and operating information as required. Operating information must also identify days and hours of operations and vacation policies.
  7. Current Fee Schedule. An approved fee schedule for the first year of operation with a complete listing of the cost of care for all service offerings.
  8. Complete list of board of directors (non-profit only).
  9. Proof of non-profit incorporation or business license.

The decision to enter into a POS agreement is at the discretion of the Children's Services Program Manager and is dependent on available funding and local need. Prior to entering into an agreement, the Program Manager will schedule a site visit to meet the operator and view the site.

*Currently there is a temporary suspension on all new Purchase of Service Agreements with licensed child care programs due to funding pressures.

How would you like to be contacted?
Do you have a licence to operate child care under the Child Care and Early Years Act 2014?

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