Thank you for your interest in planning a special event in the City of Peterborough.
If you intend to use a City park, facility, or street for an event, this Manual and Application is intended to support and guide you through your planning process and help you understand your obligations.
As the Event Organizer, your role will be to follow-up directly with the proper authorities regarding approvals for certain event activities. This will ensure that all necessary approvals will be in place before the actual date(s) of the event. Failure to comply with the conditions outlined in this Manual may result in denial of the Application or termination of the event.
Please note, the City reserves the right to cancel or close an Event in such emergencies where life and property safety are at risk.
Submission of this Planning Guide does not guarantee the event will be approved.
If you have any questions please call 705-742-0050 ext. 1826# or email