Form Builder

City building

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit Application

Applications must be received at least 5 business days before the expected move date. 

The Guide to Oversize/Overweight Vehicles and Loads in Ontario can provide more information about when a permit is required. 

A permit may be issued pursuant to Section 110 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H. 8 and City of Peterborough By-Law No. 93-25.

I Understand that once this application has been approved, a fee of $172.00 will need to be paid by credit card before the permit will be issued. 


Permit requirements 

Are you travelling with a MTO approved escort vehicle? Required if width exceeds 4 meters or length exceeds 36.76 meters.
Are you travelling with a MTO approved escort vehicle (pole car)? Required if height exceeds 4.87 meters.

Is the origin address within the City limits?
Is the destination address within the City limits?
Has a field drive been taken?

Notice with respect to the collection of personal information (Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act)

The personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of section 110 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H. 8 as amended, and will be used for the purpose of evaluating eligibility for a permit, and for contact purposes. For more information contact the Construction Contract Administrator at  or at 705-742-7777, ext. 1832.