Form Builder

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Planning Application Electronic Submission

This form can be used to submit revised supplementary documents for Technical Adequacy Reviews and current Planning Act development applications.

Property owner information 

Applicant/agent information (if different from property owner) 

Primary contact

Select a primary contact. Correspondence and information will only be sent to the primary contact.

Application details

Select the type of application being submitted. If you are submitting supporting documents for an existing file, please select the type of application previously submitted.

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Add Additional Documents/Supporting Material?

Notice of Collection

(Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy)

Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Planning Act, and will be used to process this application. Questions about this collection may be directed to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 500 George Street North, Peterborough, Ontario K9H 3R9 or at 705-742-7777, ext. 1820.

Notice of Public Record

The information contained on this application and any supporting information, including reports, studies, and drawings, provided with this application by the proponent, their agents, consultants and solicitors, constitutes public information and will become part of the public record, as indicated by Section 1.0.1 of the Planning Act. As such, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the City of Peterborough may make this application and its supporting information available to the general public, including copying, posting on the City's website and/or releasing a copy of the application and any of its supporting information to any third party upon their request, and as part of a standard distribution of copies of such documentation.