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Community Gardens - Annual Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking the time to provide your information and feedback on the City of Peterborough's municipal community gardens program, partnered with the YWCA's Nourish Project. 

This anonymous survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The intention is to gather helpful demographic information to understand our gardeners, and to better plan for future garden locations. We also want to know how you feel about the garden program.

How long have you held your plot at this community garden?
What do you do with the produce from your garden?
During the gardening season, how often do you visit your plot?
On average, how long to do stay at your plot each visit?
How do you get to the community garden?
How long does it take to get to the garden by your regular mode of transportation?

Benefits of community gardens

Please rate your agreement with the following statements

Participating in this garden helped me build relationships.
I trust the other gardeners at my community garden.
I feel safe when I am at the garden.
I feel more connected to my local community.
Because of my plot, I eat more fruits and vegetables.
Because of my plot, I spend less money on food.
Because of my plot, I am more physically active.
Because of my plot, I spend more time outside.


The following optional questions help us to understand the demographics of our gardener participants.

Please select your age group:
How many people, including yourself, are in your household?
What gender do you most identify with?
What is your household's annual income before tax?