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Incident Report

This Incident Report is for members of the public to complete should they believe the City of Peterborough has been negligent and they have suffered property damage or personal injury.

Contact information

Incident information

Type of incident (choose all that apply)

Location information

Bodily injury details

Surface conditions (choose all that apply)

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Type of injuries

Property damage details

Weather conditions (choose all that apply)

Vehicle information

Road conditions
Were the police contacted?

Any additional information you feel would assist with our investigation (photos, estimates etc.) can be sent directly to

If it is determined that the area involved in your incident was under control of a contractor, do you give consent to have the information contained in your submission forwarded to the contractor for investigation?
Would you like an email copy of your Incident Claim form?